Sunday, October 31, 2010


If you know me, you know that I am NOT one to dress up, or to really get into the Hallow's spirit. However, my roommates are TOTALLY into Halloween and some of their spirit rubbed off on me I think. I was a neurosurgeon the night before, and I needed a cute easy costume for costume bowling. I had a couple of options, I was going to be a marathon runner, but then I remembered I have this AWESOME beanie from my brother so I was a cupcake!! It was fun to go bowling,  and see other people's costumes. Lauren was Minnie Mouse, Jessica was a baby, and Michelle was an Indian. 

After costume bowling, we went to a couple of different parking garages for some dance parties. It was a fun night, and I was actually quite surprised to find out that there are a lot of fun not satanic things to do on Halloween. 

My awesome beanie from Jack

Miracle Bowl!!

Michelle, Jonathon, Me, and Matthew

One of the parking garage parties, Brian, Jessica, Scott, Me, Jordan and Kevin

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