Sunday, March 6, 2011

TO: Jonah

Today is my younger (I cannot say little, because anyone who knows Jonah knows that there is nothing little about that kid) brother Jonah's birthday. This guy is now 15!! These past few seemed like they went a little quicker, but that is because my years are going faster. Anyway, this guy can now start drivers ed...WATCH OUT MATTAWA...jk.
Jonah is awesome. Anyone who has the chance should get to know this amazingly brilliant, bubbly, fun, charismatic, totally capable, big, strong, teddy bear of a boy. He is one of the coolest people I know.

15 Things I LOVE about Jonah:
1. His green eyes
2. His little dimples when he smiles
3. His uncanny ability to infuriate me in an instant
4. His laugh
5. His eye roll when he sees something yummy
6. His HUGE heart
7. His random facts
8. His ability to make friends with anyone
9. I always know it is Jonah's shirts in the laundry because the sleeves are not rolled down
10. He tries to be one of the Big Kids, and actually does a good job of it
11. His ability to work with tools
12. His love for his family
13. How he loves the dang dog
14. His fashion sense....
15. I just love everything about this boy.

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