Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Who knew that finals could be so stressful? I definitely did NOT! I have figured out I absolutley HATE finals, and think they are ridiculous (especially when they dominate me) but that didn't happen too much this semester. I finished my first year at BYU...and SURVIVED!! WAHOO. So glad to be done with Econ, Poli Sci, and Religion classes, however, I will miss my Spanish class. Oh well.

Jarrett and I finished our finals early, so we took off to home. The drive (10hrs) is getting to be pretty monotonous. I know pretty much where we are by the landscape now and it is not exciting anymore. Home was and always is great. I LOVE my bedroom. My mom got a decorating bug in her and did my room to the nines. It is A.W.E.S.O.M.E. I unfortunately do not have any pictures, but I sure am missing that and my big bed. Easters was fun with the brothers and just lounging around. My mom got some work done on her toes and I stupidly went back into the room and watched. It was NASTY. I could not handle that at all, the doctor took a needle with numbing stuff and stuck it almost THROUGH her toe, and did that in 3 different locations on one toe. On the other, he just stuck it in and moved it around oh man, I have the willies just thinking about it.

I drove back to Provo yesterday and thankfully had new tires. I drove through rain the entire way. Not just rain but somewhere in Idaho the road just went white, and the water was SO deep. A car in front of me lost control and it freaked me out. I think I averaged 60 mph through Idaho (in the white spot I was going 40) luckily there weren't too many cars out though. School starts today and I have Water Aerobics today!!! So much better than ECON!!!


Kristen and Alex said...

Water Aerobics sounds fun! It was so good to see you! I'm glad you got back to Provo safely.

Sheridan said...

I'll miss our Spanish class too!
And hope water aerobics is fun! You may have to teach me some awesome workouts or something.