Sunday, January 8, 2012

Back in the Grind

Ok, so this title does not do this post justice seeing as though I LOVE my grind!!!! Christmas break was so nice, I love that time of year. I love going home for a little break and just relaxing and doing NOTHING!!! I would literally wake up, eat breakfast, sit on the couch and then take a three hour nap. IT. WAS. AWESOME. James and Jonah were so much fun, although Jonah got a little rough as my bloody nose would say...:))

We spent Christmas at home and then that next weekend we went to Seattle for the weekend (Oh yeah...PROPS to my AMAZING MOTHER who is now a nationally registered EMT!!). I love that city of Seattle, it is so amazingly beautiful and I love being there. It was really nice to spend time with my family and really see how much James and Jonah are changing and growing up. They are so funny! We went to Pike's Market and some other fun touristy things.

In November Jack will be with us!

I also just went to my first BYU basketball game. It was so fun!! There were awesome women called the "Golden Girls" that you have to be 50 years old or older to be in, and these women danced. Just didn't dance, one of the oldest women did the splits and it was very inspiring. I have no desire to do the splits, but she was amazing. I am so excited for this semester seeing as though it is my LAST winter semester!! WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO:). Back to the Grind.

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