While this title may seem as though I am frustrated I have no time, I am actually extremely grateful for my busyness!! I came home from school at the end of April, had no job after filling out so many applications, still no job in May, and a few weeks into May I got a job. This may not seem like it is a great job to many people in a rural area, however, I have never learned anything about farming and am loving it and see why so many people love to farm. I work for a farmer here in Mattawa, and I, Justine, have learned how to drive 3 count them 3 different tractors and a few different implements as well. I have LOVED it!!!
John Deere 8130 T-Tractor
Despite the excitement of 'farming', you know, getting up at about 3:30am, out of the door at 4am and working by 430 (AM that is) and going until 11 or 12 at night, on Mother's Day, we got to Skype with Jack!! He looked so good and could not believe how big the little boys have gotten! It was so fun to see him and talk to him, he comes home in November and is dreading it, and we could not be more excited even though we know he is where he is needed for the Lord.
Elder Gallacci only has 5 months left! |
Good for you driving a tractor! Those are crazy hours tho....I don't know how you survive with so little sleep. And I can't believe that Jack only has 5 months left! That's crazy...it has gone by so fast! Very exciting! I'm glad he is doing well.
I am in shock right now. . . am I on the right Justine's blog?
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